
To resize your images, you can either use an app/program on your device for image resizing or an online tool, like: We recommend the online tool as you can use these tools no matter what device you’re using, as long as it has Internet access. Please see your tool of choice for instructions.

*Our recommended image size is 760×410 pixels and the maximum file-size is 2MB. However, you may upload images that are taller than 410px if you choose, but the width can be no larger than 760px.

For security we have to limit allowed file-types to standard images types. Common image types supported by most all devices include: JPG, JPEG, PNG, and GIF.

If you have tried to upload images to your ad and have made sure you are using a correct image file-type and your image is the correct resolution size mentioned above but you are still receiving an error, please contact us for help:
